Wednesday, April 13, 2005

You cant see around corners.. and get stuffed

Hi All,
Happy to see more people posting in the blog, lets hope it gets off to a rip snorting pace!!

Anyways, its getting late so i must be breif in whinging about todays events:

1. Driving down Sydneys beautiful Botany Rd near Redfern, a small azean lady in a white Toyota Camry discovered that when you are in the inside lane of two lanes turning left, and the outer lane (also turning left) contains a truck and trailer filled with mans gift to nature (petrol), that you must indeed give way to the trailer as it turns. Simple physics dictates that your car and the trailer cannot occupy the same lane simultaneously.
The outcome was less serious then I had hoped, only a smashed side mirror on the Camry and some minor panel damage.. but I havent seen that happen before.

Remember kids stay away from the inside lane of turning trucks!

2. If you are lucky enough to live in this great country I call Sydney, then you would probably have seen the new TV commercial for Pizza Huts Stuffed Crust pizza.
Its some portly fellow talking about the amazing work of brilliance that was putting cheese AND bacon into the crust of a pizza.. Now whilst this is a lovely sounding idea.. listen closely to the guy talking.. his laboured breathing and obese frame indicate that all is not well, and he should put down the pizza and try something less fatty.. like a bar of lard for example.
Seriously, this guy gets exhausted waving a slice of pizza around I rekon if he bit into it he would probably die, and when they do an autopsy there would be fat instead of blood and the coroner would die from the fat vapour escaping from this guys arteries.

Pizza Hut, if you want to sell your high fat products to people who dont have a death wish, try doing what everyone else does.. advertise your products using people who dont use your products. The average healthy person does not want to hear the wonders of bacon and cheese in a pizza crust being recited by someone who sounds like they are about to have a heart attack.. At least put some attractive women in the commercial for fucks sake.

The ad gives me the shits and that makes me mad.

I am done ranting for the day. I took my civic to work and its lovely to drive.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't diss the pizza man. everyone's gotta die of something!

4/16/2005 02:20:00 PM  

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