Monday, April 18, 2005

Ear Canal, Far Canal?

For the last week or so I have been telling my daughter "if you don't clean the counters and sink after washing up we will end up with German cockroaches and they will crawl into your ears and die". Pretty farfetched I know but I am not going to pass up the chance to put another issue into my kid's heads and let them pay for the therapist in later years.

Anywayyyyy I have some strange personal beliefs. One is if you draw too much attention to a certain subject then the universe will make it happen for you. Mostly this is a good thing because I can focus on the flowers and butterflies and enjoy the good luck I just know is coming my way. But superstitiously nasty events can be also attracted to you if you are focusing too hard on them (and "touching wood" won't get you out of it either).

The possums woke me at 5:11 this morning (little bastards must have slept in) as I lay there cursing their furry hides to hell I felt a strange sensation in my right ear. It felt like a muscle twitching (like your eyelid or calves or whatever twitches on you) but deep in my ear. My first thought was OH MY GOD SOMETHING HAS CRAWLED IN MY EAR AND CAN'T GET OUT. Sometimes my inner voice chooses to shout rather than whisper. I guess this was appropriate under these circumstances.

Every few minutes this feeling would reoccur. It felt disgusting and I could only stop it by rubbing under my ear or sticking my finger in my ear. I had to go to a client's site today and didn't want to be constantly sticking my finger in my ear!!!!!!! I got up to see if changing position would stop it, but it continued. I walked about, it didn't change. I sat at my PC and took stock.

If something had crawled in my ear my ear would be blocked - good it's not blocked
If something crawled in my ear it would probably hurt - good it doesn't hurt
If something had crawled in my ear I would probably hear scrabbling or something - good I hear nothing like that

So I decided that it was just a weird twitchy thing and it would go away....eventually. And it did, about 5 hours later. Thing ear is really sore now.


Blogger SacrificialNewt said...

I had a friend whose wonderful mates put a baby christmas beetle in his ear. Well, it crawled further in trying to find it's way out. It scratched at his ear drum. Someone drove him screaming to the hospital while his ear trickled blood.

Not nice at all.

Mind you, it's these same mates who a few years later dumped another of the group at the hospital after a drug overdose. The guy had been clean for 6 months so he took too much when he saw these friends for the first time in those 6 months. They took his wallet and sped off (a camera caught them). He died. Time of death was placed at the time they were a block away buying munchies at the service station. Not nice at all.

4/18/2005 08:50:00 PM  
Blogger Daphnewood said...

yuck! go to the doctor. my cousin had a "tree roach" crawl into his ear. blood everywhere and it was something that could not be handled at home. the doc had to use a special tool to snag the thing out.

4/18/2005 09:15:00 PM  
Blogger Morticia said...

Oooooooh I had a baby cockie crawl in my ear. Drove me nuts for an hour while I tried to get it out. Finally I hooked it with the handle of a teaspoon.

I might have felt better about it had it not been a cockkroach - I hate those suckers.

4/18/2005 09:43:00 PM  
Blogger justrose said...

agree about the universe and drawing attention.

anonymous rowhouse

4/18/2005 09:47:00 PM  

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