Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'm in a posting mood tonight

Wow at the link field - that's neat! So I thought I better make a post about a link...

The other night I was trawling GBS and found the latest Ghost Story Thread so bookmarked it and came back a few hours later on when I was settling in for the night (~2AM).

Oh, and for anyone who's interested my unemployed ass is doing night shift now, that's right unemployed people can do that because they don't have to get up for work in the morning, so I'm generally up from around lunch till maybe seven AM - I've always worked better at nights, but what work!? Well I just function and enjoy nights better then.

Anyway, I am through a couple of pages and not particularly impressed, the previous years thread had some amazing writing in there. A few more pages and I was warming up, had some nice music down low, lights off and the monitor tilted down so I could read from bed.

Another couple of pages and I'm loving it, there's plenty of humor, a few scares and some great writing in general. Then I hear it, sounds like someone trying to come in the back door, which is a giant sliding glass contraption which has been broken since we moved in. Because of it's broken state it is both heavy and loud to move.

I listen, I choose to ignore - I was much more comfortable being naked in my warm bed reading ghost stories (Oh, and I'll forgive you if you block that mental image). Anyway, I have had a cricket bat behind my door since we moved in - after hearing how bad the area was and a replica pistol in my drawers. I feel protected in there.

No more noise comes and I'm reading, I hear softer noises now, at the side of the house - MY side of the house where there is a secluded little gravel pathway but it's not a gravel walking sound I hear, it sounds like someone talking really low - like the classic movie cliche of a black slave's bassy voice but not booming, just nice and quiet.

I listen and it fades in and out, I re-assuringly light a cigarette and try to keep reading but my mind's wandering - I know it's not my neighbor - he's like the Urkel of white guys and a voice to match.

Fuck it! To the batmobile!

I pull on my white terry-towel robe (liberated from Jamiesons in Sydney) and grab the mini-maglite off the desk and the cricket bat and make it all the way to the hall...

Then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and back up. I throw on a pair of pants and a shirt that were crumpled on the floor and despite the cold, go to it. Moving nice and quietly into the backroom I'm still listening, stalking, eye's jumping around the room and outside.

I see nothing, I hear nothing and I'm convinced it was just the ghost stories and my tarded up imagination. I unlock the backdoor anyway. I try and open it quietly. I fail miserably. It clunks and makes a small screech and I leg it around the corner of the house to peer into the darkness.

Nothing moves, nowhere to hide down there either, I was tripping. I get back to the corner when I hear it again


I spin around, I stand on the bottom railing of the fence and there's my neighbor talking to a large black man in whispered tones. I sigh and try to listen in but can't hear a thing. I walk back inside dejected for not having seen a ghost.

I dump the bat and torch and decide to grab some water.


Housemate 2's door flies open and he barrels into me.

*ARGH! I jump and back up instantly*
*Whoa! And he starts laughing*

I panting and he's laughing... It's not fair.

I've always been a jumpy person though, and I've always been around people who liked to make me jump. Friends and family. Oh well, I don't mind so much - I just wish I could get some payback...


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