Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dirty Old Women

My sister and I and my two kids went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tonight. I really enjoyed the movie and as I don't read the books, didn't notice or know that large chunks were not included in the movie.

I miss though the lush opulent feel that the first movie had. The second one was as stark as a cell and I found it hard to get the inner child excited about going to school in such a cold drab looking place. No matter if I was learning magic or not. This one had so much action that taking note of the interior decoration was difficult. Action and semi naked teenage boys.

I couldn't help but wonder who on earth this movie was aimed at. It certainly titillated our interest seeing Ron Weasley filling out nicely into an attractive young man. Are teenage girls supposed to flock to the movies because they have crushes on Harry or Ron?

And why don't they let Neville Longbottom get his freaking teeth fixed?

Anyway as some people know I am a mad fan of dragons and the dragon in this movie is quite spectacular. Loved it!

I give Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 8 chocolate frogs out of 10.


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