Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cross Post

This place has seemingly died so I'll cross-post some crappy live journal shit. Where is everybody?

*The Shit*

Apart from the new pregnancy ailment of carpal tunnel syndrome which sees me with numb hands and feet whilst sleeping and a numb left hand at all times, it's not been too bad this week. The oedema is still always there but it only gets bad when I do a lot of housework. Actually, the oedema causes the carpal tunnel. But anywayyyys...

Done a fair bit this week. Tanya came over yesterday and donated a pile of baby clothes, toys and wraps. That was cool. Been doing some PC work for friends too. I've done some for Vanessa already and I'm doing more today. Evie is coming to play with Caitlin. I have no idea what I'll do tomorrow - Australia Day - perhaps nothing. Apparently Saturday is Chinese New Year and Hurstville's streets get shut down for a parade. Might go to mum's and see that. Maybe.

I've been having vivid dreams again. Weird ones. I won't go into them though. I couldn't be stuffed.

I weigh 88.5kg. So that's 29.5kg weight gain for the pregnancy so far. I read that I should have gained 11 - 14kg :(


Blogger SacrificialNewt said...

Looky that. The only people around these days are the spammers :(

I'm lonely...

1/26/2006 08:03:00 AM  

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