Thursday, December 29, 2005


I was a good girl today and this morning when the emotional plain was too much I rang the medical centre and made an appointment. As usual the after Christmas rush for healing meant there was no appointments available till 5:10pm, I spent the day mostly sleeping and crying.

I hate having to explain myself to the doctor. I sat there crying and telling him that I was in a mess, this wasn't and isn't like me. I am a rock normally. He said I was his second Graves Disease patient today and sent me for a blood test and told me to come back after I had had it. On my return he did something I hate but have had to put up with several times before. He said something that made me doubt myself. He said "are you sure it's not just Christmasitis?".

When I was about 19 I went to bed on a Tuesday, woke up on a Thursday and had to crawl to the phone to call in sick to work. I then took myself to the local hospital. They told me I was a malingerer.

At 27, just after I had my second child I went to my local GP for something trivial and mentioned that I had a numb patch on my face. He mentioned MS and sent me off to get some scans and to go to my usual doctor for the results (he was just on at the weekends). When I went to see her for the results she told me that she knew all about MS and although my brain was as shrunken as an old person's she believed there was nothing more wrong with me than stress.

So the "Chrismasitis" comment threw me for a second or two while I compiled my symptoms

* Uncontrollable crying
* angry mood swings
* Pounding heart
* Blurred Vision
* Painful eyeballs
* Hair falling out
* Hot sweaty hands
* Twitchiness

and I said " No I really think something is wrong" when I should have really said "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM HERE? FOR SYMPATHY?"

Geeze I hope the bloodtest comes back with something wrong or I am going to look like some kind of hypochondriac.


Blogger SacrificialNewt said...

Poor Grams - yep, that's definitely how I know the medical system to be with incurable neurological conditions like yours.

12/30/2005 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger Morticia said...

My definition of myself is "Practiced malingerer and full time really scary person".

You wanna be one of them too? You'd be in EXCELLENT company, my dear :-)

Sounds to me like it's a combination of too much stress, too much rushing around, new job, too much summer, too much pleasing every bastard but yourself and a post-holiday crash combined with an unhealthy portion of potential exacerbation winding up. I mean, do you think you are SICK or something?? FGS woman, it's only a little MS you know! How dare you actually pretend to be ILL! There are people dying from untended ingrown toenails while you bleat!

Now, put down that gun and have a nice cup of tea, join a group, get out more and don't forget to pray a lot/little to your Deity of Choice (Jack Daniels could be an excellent choice *hic*).

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year babe, and you too Newt :-)

Morty from the Mothership


12/30/2005 11:01:00 PM  
Blogger Morticia said...


Just the thought of going to doctors can make you twitch. I'd put it down to a perfectly natural quack-reaction.

I said put the gun DOWN! You only get a small medal for shooting inept medical pratitioners, after all, they are only PRACTICING.

Of course, if you do shoot him, he can experience his very own "Graves" disease first hand, hmmm... he'll have Eternity to ponder "Christmasitis" to his heart's content.

Now I'm getting excited.

12/30/2005 11:06:00 PM  

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