Sunday, May 22, 2005

What If...

Sunday morning here in a fairly religious country means lot's of God TV. When I blearily turned on the TV this morning a quasi-scientific looking program was on talking about multi-dimensionality (is that a word?) and whether the spiritual world could be one of these dimensions that we cannot comprehend but exist none the less.

Normally my mind closes at the mention of God because of my intense dislike of evangelism and fanaticism when it comes to faith. I did turn the TV channel over but in my early morning mind started thinking about understanding that that cannot be understood. Then a "what if" popped into my head.

What if other dimensions are detectable but only to those those who have the physical capacity to do so. What is those that we class as mentally ill are actually reacting to what they detect in other dimensions because they have they specific brain chemistry makeup to do so. What if psychedelia and drug induced altered states aren't brain created....

Ahh well there's some 20c philosophy questions to think about anyway. Kept me happy till my cup of tea was delivered.


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