Wednesday, May 04, 2005

You Are Not Your Uptime*

or a few words on the internet, television and truth.

I don't voluntarily watch the TV news any more, if it is on I will casually glance away from my screen to watch the bright and shiny, screaming bits. Then will turn away because I know none of it, even the images being portrayed, is true.

For news I will browse the internet news pages but will not believe those either as they are written by journalists that have been trained to sensationalise to ensure a greater readership. Capped off with nifty .swf pictures and pap in .mov form. Just to grab that 2.4 seconds of my attention that I can now spare to pop another useless piece of unfolding history into my bursting brain.

I often find myself escaping the internet altogether (well not ALL together) to World Of Warcraft playing my various characters, blocking out my immediate surroundings and situation, the world and the lies being told by the TV and internet.

In fact who tells the truth any more? The necessity for it has become redundant in many circles. Justice comes to those who have the most money, fame needs no truth and apathy has swallowed the up and coming generations because who really cares anyway?

* I was going to post this on the forums but pearls and swine do not mix


Blogger SacrificialNewt said...

Pearls and swine...that's funny.

I don't watch the news either. If it weren't for Atomic I'd have no clue what was going on. I ceased to care because the world is going pear shaped regardless of me watching it. I prefer to escape to a physical nowhereland and you like your e-nowhereland. I think it helps sanity levels.

5/04/2005 06:10:00 PM  
Blogger joel said...

slashdot, engadget and other tech sites count as news don't though?

Apart from that I read the scrolling news across my Firefox rss but mostly it displays 'Oddly Enough' from yahooo and the like instead of proper news - Gotta set these things up to be useful! :D

5/05/2005 12:59:00 AM  

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