Monday, June 06, 2005

Frasier, Frasier, where fore art thou?

I was thinking today as I was on the way to work what a fucking cunt of a move channel 9 decided to bust when the moved Frasier from 7pm weeknights to 5:30pm weeknights. I love Frasier. That show is fucking hilarious after a hard day of working hard, to earn a living. Its refresing to see this kind of sitcom and it really hits the spot.

But Channel 9, in their infinite wisdom decided that instead of showing a high rating sitcom in this prime time slot, they would glue some macaroni to the set of a previously failed gameshow, get some new shaved monkeys to stand behind a button, and have them answering shit fucker questions to win fantastic cash prizes.

So heres me, just getting home from a fucking shit day at work to watch TV, and instead of Frasier I am bombarded with some dim-wit fucking retard incorrectly answering questions and WINNING CASH MONEY AND PRIZES FOR BEING A FUCKING CUNT!!!

What the fuck is up with this? I have to go to work to bust my fucking fanny from 9 till fuck knows when to earn a shit wage, and heres this stupid fucking cunt winning money for doing fuck all, and not just any old money... oh no... winning MY FUCKING MONEY I HAD TO DIE TO EARN!

You might say 'But Darrkon, you dont sponsor the show'. I would have to say 'Well Timmy, indirectly I do. Since companies who give away these crazy prizes and cash will factor that price into the cost of the items which you and me buy at the supermarket or blackmarket' So I am putting money in some cunts pocket who is wasting my valuable Frasier appreciation time.

Now to fix this dilemma you can either move the show back to game show time of 5:30pm OR have the people winning prizes, and then being shot dead to indicate to people watching that you get nothing for free, and they tried to cheat the system and paid with their life for it.

Fuck you Sale of the Cuntury Temptation. Fuck you very much for fucking me up.


Blogger SacrificialNewt said...

Poor baby :P

6/07/2005 08:19:00 AM  

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