Saturday, June 17, 2006

And This Little Piggy

HaunT and I visited a financial planner on Friday. He has recommended stuff that makes me VERY happy. Hurrah for going ahead and buying our retirement block and retirement home.

Building the house.

I have decided that where ever it is within my power I will be as environmentally and power conservationisty as possible.

So the house will be built of strawbales like the ones here. Strawbale building is not a new age type of building, and I guess it is only human nature that equates straw with "flimsy" and that it would blow away in the wind....not so when you have a couple of tonnes of render and a roof on it...

Speaking of wind, we will combining this with this. I gues by now you have figured out that this house will not be in suburbia. Yep this is for a country house. On as many acres as possible. Which means no hopefully they have a solar version of this or we could go with my old favourite which is this ( you have no idea how excited thinking about effluent makes me!)

Alas unless there is some kind of miracle, all my self sufficency (yes choocks and potatoes and all of that country stuff) monetary savings will be burned up by having to pay for 2 way satellite internet. Currently it is about $150 a month for just a couple of hundred meg! Fuck that!

Oh and also I will be able to follow one of my longest held dreams. To breed Dexter cows...a miniature breed who are so cute (and expensive, and loved by the japanese dead and sliced into mini steaks)


Blogger khendar said...

Hmmm pocket steaks...

I love how you're going for the environmentally sound route. House building these days has become an exercise in Mechano construction, without consideration to the impact on the environment.

When I was working in the Riverland, my boss owned a house which was built from styrofoam. Not as environmentally sound but based on the same principles. The rendering held the structure together. The best part is that the underlying structure is also the insulation, much the same way I imagine the strawbales work.

I'm assuming that the straw is heavily treated so that it doesn't rot if moisture gets to it..? I like the look of the finished homes, kind of organic looking =)

6/20/2006 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger Allison Reynolds said...

Nope they dont treat the straw. As long as you ensure you have good eaves that keep the rain off (what rain?) and a good foundation

6/20/2006 06:46:00 PM  
Blogger khendar said...

Oh nice. Even better.

6/21/2006 10:52:00 AM  

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