Sunday, May 08, 2005

Another Day Closer To Death

I am just wasting my life and I know it. Some people waste their lives but just don't think about it. I do think about it. I feel bad about it. But I still do it.

Woke up, went straight to computer, sat down, have only moved to go to toilet and eat breakfast. Yeah I know it is Sunday, and that here in Australia it is Mother's Day and so I, a mother, should be allowed to sit around doing sweet FA, but I do this most days. Well before and after I go to work. What a waste of my fabulous talents!

Mind you I have been mentally active while sitting at the PC. The internet is still my heroin after all this time (and it's been many many years since I first heard the screech of the modem hell my ICQ UIN is only 7 digits long and I didn't sign up for a year or two after I first hit the net). I love following my interests around and seeing where they head. I am not a full time "surfer" in the sense I go wherever the links take me, but I concertedly seek out answers to questions I have.

Example: went and saw Kingdom of Heaven last night. (don't start that I must have a life if I go to the movies, it's not something I do regularly and was still a major event in my mind). Anyway someone was burbling on the Atomicmpc forums about the fact Saladin brought ice to the King of Jerusalem on the battle field, which left me to check for details of the "true" story on the net, which then led me to some American woman preaching the movie was a pro- Al Quada vehicle being driven by the apologist Ridley Scott. Well that was my take on her little rant. Fun waste of time though.

Then because I was procrastinating before putting a load of washing on I decided to follow links from some favourite blogs I have book marked and came across this one. I love this woman's style of writing and though I am not big on anal porn (love lots of other porn though) I agree with what lots about what she says about being a woman when you are past that teenage/20's. If nothing else read the copy editing comments for a big laugh.

Annnnnyway...For pretension I should write better pap than the crap I spew here but fuck it. I am not going to save the world (nor even save myself at this stage). So blergh! *waves at rock girl!*


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