Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ugh I dink I god a cod

Wouldn't you know it? I haven't been sick in about a year and now, on the eve of my teaching debut I come down with a cold. I can't exactly defer it seeing as I researched and prepared for this lesson in particular. I will be well and truly into the stages of clogged and spluttering tomorrow and I have several hand-outs I've prepared for the class that I can oh-so-nicely pass my infection around on. Having to constantly stop to blow my nose (which is already dripping) will also be truly pleasant. Oh well, shit happens I guess.

I went to spend the day with Mum in Sydney today. My sister came too (and Caitlin of course). We went to lunch (Revesby Workers Club fed us all bread, salad, lunch, desserts and drinks for $42 all up - talk about cheap...was great!). Had a good old gasbag. Set up the computer Spent built for her (niiiiiice one too). Neville (the senile, ill tempered family member we have suffered all our lives) gave me $60 for mother's day. I hate it when he does that. He kinda buys you off every so often because he can be a right arsehole at other times. Mum won't let me refuse it because he then goes on and on about it and makes her life miserable in weeks to come. Oh well, it paid for all our lunches which I couldn't otherwise afford.

Anyways, better get back to some other form of procrastination again. I need an early night for a change :|


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