Thursday, August 11, 2005

Update From Casa Gramyre

Hey Gringos I have no ideeea why I am typing in a bad Mehican acchent so I'll stop RIGHT now. Life is good, very good, I don't exactly LOVE my life at the moment but it's still damn good.

Found out today that my machinations to weasel out of my job and into another has bourne fruit. Now it could be I am hopping from fry pan to fire, but at least it will give me 15-18 months of pure exhilaration as I take on a job I know almost zero about, to conquer triumphantly, and then get utterly bored and start looking around for something else. So if plans pan out, by the end of September I will have another title altogether (not quite sure what that will be ..Program Manager I think).

Popped into the travel agent with my mate from work to discuss the Vietnam trip and it's looking more and more likely that as the planes cannot correspond well enough with the Intrepid tour we were looking at, that we will just backpack and see how we go..oooh scary but fun too!

Tax return came in at $1500 more than I thought it would be and my monthly pay has gone up a hefty amount with the payrise and tax cuts and the fact I am not buying employee shares any more.

Only blot on the old copy book at the moment is the eye muscles are enjoying doing the rhumba at odd moments and so as my family so quaintly used to say I have a winky wanky eye every now and then as I fight off one virus after another that is drifting around my sick workplace.


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