Tuesday, November 08, 2005


The boy, as he is known and shall be known, came bearing proud news in the form of a secret he wouldn't tell me over the phone - Odd in itself since he whispers all his secrets to me in our nightly calls.

His kindergarten group had done an Intelligence test of types and he had "won"! What his mother explained to me was it was part general knowledge/part intelligence measuring. A lot of colour, pattern, shape type questions were used and he scored 100/100 for it, his nearest rival being on 83/100. His highlight was that no-one else knew what a hexagon was!

We've known for a while he inherited my memory, which has always been good - managed to get me through school in pretty good shape despite my poor attendance, poor study habits and all the other shit. All he needs to do is settle a little and start showing a bit more respect for authority figures and he'll do well at school and we're working on that.


Blogger SacrificialNewt said...

That's great. As he's still in kindy and he 'won' this test, it might be a great incentive to always try to top the class. Nothing like knowing you're good at something to make you want to do more of it.

11/09/2005 08:00:00 AM  

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